Gina Cavallo lived a spell-binding story and offers her unique insider’s perspective on what led her to become such a vulnerable target...

on the destructive consequences of horrific crimes against her body and soul, on the power of fear and shame to hinder a healthy and safe life, and on the freedom that comes with spiritual renewal. 

​Today, Gina is frequently called upon to speak not only from her personal experience but also as an educator. Her audiences include law enforcement groups, medical personnel, first responders, middle schools, high schools, universities, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies.

​See Gina on video, speaking at Kean University


What are your conditions for accepting a speaking engagement?

All advertising materials, photographs and questions need prior approval, and an honorarium must be offered.

Do you also give trainings?

Yes. I customize each booking depending upon the audience, and can offer training as well as sharing my story.

Do you only speak and train in New Jersey?

No, I can travel elsewhere depending upon my schedule. All travel and hotel costs must be met by the event organizer, in addition to the honorarium, whether in New Jersey or elsewhere.
Thank you for your exceptional courage and leadership to combat Human Trafficking. You made a tremendous difference at Ohio's 12th Annual Human Trafficking Summit! It is an honor to partner with you to forge a world free from trafficking.
Senator Teresa Fedor
Ohio State District 11

Advocacy in Action


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